Shipyard muzzle flash and damage FX

Created muzzle flash for cannon and added damage explosion effects on the ship to show the cannon was shooting the ship. Other FX artists include Attila Zalanyi and Benjamin Liu. 


Shipyard Ship ram, Damage explosions and debris fx

Created effect for the ship ram collision, damage effects on ship and debris flying towards and away from camera. Other FX artists include: Benjamin Liuand Quinn Kazamaki. 


Shipyard fx vIDEO



Worked with multiple fx artists to create the ftl (faster than light) effect. We needed to show an EMP style effect for a ship warping in atmosphere and the player's Jakal being affected by the warp. We also had to time the effect to the damage animation of the Jakal. Other FX Artists include: David Johnson, Benjamin Liu, Quinn Kazamaki, Christopher Shepard and Attila Zalanyi.


ftl fx vIDEO